Designing a beautiful and informative user experience.
We aimed to create a mirror capable of user interaction. We wanted a sleek user interface that displayed information and provided entertainment for the user.
System Overview
Our system consisted of a one-way mirror, placed on top of a monitor. Our monitor displayed 4 different "levels," each level consisted of different modules such as the time, weather forecast, and the newsfeed. We had a PiCamera mounted on the top of the monitor. We used OpenCV to recognize gestures, and these gestures controlled an aspect of the user interface. We additionally had push buttons connected to our Raspberry Pi which also controlled the user interface.
Software for the UI
We decided to start with an open source Magic Mirror platform on Github. Our other option would be to create the UI ourselves using Pygame, but we decided that the Magic Mirror platform from Github would be more elegant and give us more options. The download process for the Magic Mirror platform is supposed to be simple, but caused us a lot of errors. When we figure The app wrapper around MagicMirror is Electron, and you start your modules using the command "npm start". The MagicMirror platform started with the following default modules: clock, calendar, current weather, weather forecast, news feed, compliments, hello world, and alerts. The modules are each written in Javascript, and then when the module name is added to the config file, it shows up in the UI. After trying out different modules, and seeing what looked good on our mirror, we decided to explore third party modules written for the Magic Mirror. We installed the following additional modules:                   MMM-BobRoss, a module that displays a random Bob Ross painting                   MMM-ImagesPhotos, a module that displays an image of our choice.                   MMM-Pages, a module that allowed us to have different pages/levels of our MagicMirror                   MMM-page-indicator, a module that displayed which page we were on                   MMM-wiki, a module that displayed a random wikipedia fact                   MMM-ModuleToggleButton, a module that displays/hides a module when a hardware button is pressed, we used this module to control                            our other modules. We changed the config file to add all these modules in, and our different pages of the mirror looked like this:
Page 1
In the first page, we have the clock module in the top left corner, the current weather and weather forecast in the top right corner, and the newsfeed in the bottom middle.
The page indicator is at the bottom, the first circle filled in indicates that we are on the first page.
We show all the pages without the mirror over the monitor so that the modules are most visible.
In our video at the bottom, we show the mirror over the monitor.
Page 2
In every page, we have the clock module again in the top left corner.
Right below this, we have our calendar module displaying upcoming holidays, Christmas is coming up!!
In the center of our page, we have our compliments module which cycles through
a series of different phrases and compliments, including "Hi!!!" and "You look great!".
The bottom middle of the page displays a random fact from wikipedia, and below this, we again have our page indicator.
Page 3
In page 3, we again have our clock, and page indicator. In the top right, we display a top post from Reddit, and in the bottom left, we display a random Bob Ross painting.
Page 4
Page 4 is our Spiderman themed page! We again display the clock and page indicator.
Covering the screen is a spider web image, which we display using the MMM-ImagesPhotos module. Below this, we use the helloworld module to display the text "spider! man!"
Controlling the UI
We control the UI using gestures and buttons. Our gesture recognition is done in Python using OpenCV.
We were able to detect whether a person was holding up a single finger, or not, reliably.
We wanted to communicate between our python script and our user interface (Javascript) using software,
but most of the methods of communication between python and Javascript we found online were not for two simultaneously running programs.
One way we found that we could communicate was over hardware, GPIO pins.
We tested this method of communication using push buttons first and the MMM-ModuleToggleButton module.
This module displays/hides module when a button press was detected. So, we first build a push button circuits to an unused GPIO pin.
We used the following circuit:
Once we were able to connect a single push button to hiding/displaying a module. We tried to program the MMM-ModuleToggleButton to instead of toggling a module's display
to change the page that was displayed. We did this by sending a "PAGE_CHANGED" notification to the MMM-Pages module with the payload of the page we desired to change to.
We then built 3 more push button circuits, and copied the MMM-ModuleToggleButton module 3 more times. We disabled the functionality of toggling the display of a module,
and added the functionality of changing the page using the "PAGE_CHANGED" notification with the proper payload. Then, we were able to change to any page we wanted using the four push buttons.
Next, in our python script, if we detected a finger, we set a GPIO pin to high, and connected this pin with a 1000 k ohm resistor to another GPIO pin set to input.
We read the input pin using another MMM-ModuleToggleButton module. When the output pin was read as high, we decided to hide the clock module.
This did not work at first, and after trying a few different things, we figured out that if we send a pulse to the GPIO pin, rather than an indefinitely long high voltage, the MMM-ModuleToggleButton
was able to detect it and hide the module properly.
Here are the results! We achieved a beautiful user interface with four different levels. The levels could be controlled with push buttons, and the clock module could be hidden by holding a finger up in front of the PiCamera. We got our PiCamera to recognize this gesture and the buttons, and used this to control the mirror!