While working on this project, everything did work out according to plan. However, I would say that the enabling the different light sequences on the Raspberry Pi turned out to be the most time consuming due to the fact that I had to take into consideration which pins were connected to which lights. Also in this regard, debugging took fairly long given that calling and stopping this many PWM signals were tricky. On top of this, because the mp4 video I was planning on using was not properly formatted for the piTFT screen, the conversion of this pushed back my schedule quite a bit as well. However, I was ultimately able to meet all of the goals outlined in the description and was able to successfully demo the project on time!


The purpose of this project was to combine all of the principles taught throughout the ECE 5725 course, primarily in labs 1 through 3, and implement an embedded system that showcases all of these Raspberry Pi capabilities. This project is an embedded system because the Raspberry Pi itself is attached to the wooden house and is able to be fully enabled and disabled based on the user's interactions with the system. For my demo, I successfully walked through the system from start to finish, showing the different levels of the password login and proceeded to utilize the implemented functionalities on the piTFT. All in all, this project is indeed the culmination of all of the different learning aspects covered throughout the course.