Currently, one of the most significant drawbacks of our design is the fact that we have to perform a not-so-easy sequence of tasks in order to refill the shaker bottles: unwire the servos, take out the bottom plate, flip the entire frame over, refill the bottles with ingredients, replug the wires and covers, flip the frame upright, and insert in the bottom plate. This process is really tedious, and we would like to make it easier for the users for refilling the bottles. Our current solution to this would be drilling holes on the top plate above each bottle, so that we will be able to open up the holes directly from the top if we want to refill. And this also requires us to drill off the bottom of all of our shaker bottles as well.
We believe this can be easily done since we already gained some experience while drilling the other components of the robot.
Another idea that we have in mind is to create a new option for saving copies of recipes. Since right now, we have to have the user inputting a new recipe every time he/she starts the program, and it is a little annoying if the user is using the same recipes over and over again, or maybe the situation that the user keeps entering wrong values. We would like to have an option called “save” besides “ok” and “X” on our menu page. The user then will have the option to save a recipe just entered before dispensing.
We believe this can be done with some effort on investigating Raspberry Pi’s file system and other available storage options available. Besides, we are sure that we do have a currently idle physical button available for the “save” option to map to.
Zhengning Han Yannan Wu