
In this project, we built both the hardware and software for a social robot inspired by Pixar Animation Studio’s Luxo Jr.. For the base robot arm, we used the open-source mini 6-DOF manipulator platform that we developed (for our Master of Engineering project). The end-effector, which contains both the lamp and a Raspberry Pi camera, was custom designed and manufactured for this project. To achieve organic behavior, we implemented face-detection and tracking algorithms on the Raspberry Pi 3B+. In addition, we implemented teach and replay algorithms to train the robot arm for movement routines, in order to quickly and easily achieve sophisticated motion. Overall we were successful and created a robot that is lively and interacts with humans in its surroundings, powered by a resource-restricted embedded device.


  • Achieve social robot design through implementation of humanistic behaviors
  • Design and manufacture the lamp end effector for the 6-DOF robot arm
  • Implement a high frame rate and accurate face detection algorithms for tracking
  • Program robot to organically interact with surroundings and a physical light switch



Fig.1 - CAD Design
Fig.2 - End-Effector Detail
Fig.3 - Electrical Detail
Fig.4 - Electrical Diagram


Servo Control
High-Level Commands
Fig.5 - RViz Model
Fig.6 - Solidworks Model
Fig.7 - Moveit! Path Planning
Joint States Record and Replay
Fig.8 - Routine Example (CSV File)
Face Detection
Fig.9 - Distance Calculation
Face Tracking
High-Level Commands
Fig.10 - Joint Detail
Fig.11 - Pan-Tilt Detail
Code Integration
Fig.12 - Code Struture


We did the hardware and software testing separately in order to simplify the debugging of potential problems. For mechanical hardware, most of the testing was done by assembling all the components in CAD, then moving them around and ensuring there was no collision. Since load was not a large factor here, physical packaging was the only concern here and the same testing was performed for the manufactured parts. For electrical hardware, testing was done by building the circuits and measuring the signals with an oscilloscope before connecting to the Pi. To debug the callback function issue, we looked at the trigger waveform on the scope but saw nothing abnormal. Thus, we decided it was not worth our time to debug further as it may be a library issue, so we just wrote our own multithreaded routine. The servos were rather straightforward as they are a commercial part, and required no debugging.

For software, the key problem to solve was the RPi camera, so we made sure it functioned as expected before starting any complex code. We ran some basic video streaming routines to ensure its functionality. Then we ran all the potentially helpful algorithms on our laptop. This way, we were able to understand the algorithms in-depth and quickly gain intuition about the performance of each algorithm. Then we adapted the algorithms into the Pi and visualized the captured frames and the detected bounding boxes using OpenCV. Furthermore, we printed the bounding boxes’ information in order to not only test the accuracy of our algorithms but also test the maximum frame rate. Despite all the challenges that we encountered, we managed to finish all the testing and achieved our initial objectives before the demo date and become one of the first groups to checkoff.

The first version of the integrated script worked well but the structure was not very readable, because we did not modularize each function and instead directly put them following the data flow order. Then we encountered problems when trying to modify some functions. So we realized that it was quite vulnerable to bugs and not user-friendly. We improved the structure by doing encapsulation, modulation, and multi-threading as stated in the code integration section. The individual functions of the arm were tested in separate scripts, and some progress snapshots can be seen in the videos below.

Testing Video

Results and Conclusions

We achieved our initial expectation where we designed and manufactured the 6-DOF robot arm and programmed it with sophisticated controls, developed efficient face detection algorithms and integrated them into a stable script.

For software, we achieved high frame-rate (20-30 fps) face detection for real-time facial tracking on the computation limited embedded system and safe servo control for showing various pre-recorded routines. After integrating the whole system, even though there was still a little jitter when tracking faces, the robot arm worked as expected.

Even though there remained inaccuracy of face detection due to the limited computational resources, our Pixar Lamp Robot met our objectives and was able to detect and track human faces. In addition, it was able to perform interesting postures randomly and then continue to do facial tracking. So we consider our project to be a great success. See the video below for a full demo.

Results Video

Future Plan

If we had more time to work on the project, we would like to explore using the Nvidia Jetson Nano for running a neural network for face detection. According to Nvidia forum users, it is capable of running the MTCNN architecture at around 10fps, leveraging the Maxwell GPU onboard for inference. Also, it would be interesting to train a custom lightweight network to run on both single-board computers and evaluate its accuracy vs. existing deep networks. Also, our current robot arm control design can be improved by using a fully non-deterministic algorithm generator, although that may require extensive effort to design.


Note that the robot arm cost was not included, as that was built for a different project.

Item Name Price Quantity
Raspberry Pi Camera V2 21 1
HDMI Adapter Board 14 1
Spiral HDMI Cable 9 1
LED Strip 0.5 1
Toggle Switch 0.5 1
M3 Screws 1 1
3D Printing Filament 20 1/2 Roll
Total $56



  • Kowin Shi - Hardware Design & Integration, 3D Printing, CAD Models & Rendering
  • Tian Qiu - Software Control, Computer Vision, Website Building


  • Prof. Skovira - Advise on hardware, software, provider of RPi 3B+


# import the necessary packages
        from import VideoStream
        import argparse
        import imutils
        import time
        import cv2
        import os
        import numpy
        import random
        import serial
        import csv
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
        from threading import Thread
        GPIO.setup(5, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
        # define global variable
        global joint_id
        global command
        global off_mode
        global light_on_sw
        global show_now
        show_now = False
        light_on_sw = False
        off_mode = True
        # initialize servo id and postion
        joint_id = {  #[real servo id, home position]
            "joint_1": [5, 852],
            "joint_2": [1, 597],
            "joint_3": [2, 135],
            "joint_4": [4, 510],
            "joint_5": [6, 900],
            "joint_6": [3, 474]
        def show_routine(routine_file):
            # show robot dance routine
            # para:
            #   routine_file: a recorded CSV file
            global joint_id
            global show_now
            global light_on_sw
            global command
            if not light_on_sw:
                show_now = True
                init_time = time.time()
                duration = 0
                with open(routine_file) as csvfile:
                    pamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
                    for row in pamreader:
                        duration = time.time() - init_time
                            newrow = list(map(float, row))
                        except Exception:
                        rec_time = newrow[-1]
                        while (duration < rec_time):
                            duration = time.time() - init_time
                        ind = 0
                        for key in joint_id.keys():
                                          command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                            servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["MOVE_WRITE"],
                                          int(newrow[ind]), 0)
                            ind += 1
                for key in joint_id.keys():
                    servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                    servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["MOVE_WRITE"],
                                  joint_id[key][1], 0)
                show_now = False
        def GPIO5cb():
            # listen GPIO 5 and show light-switch routine
            # as long as the switch is off
            # two modes (fast mode and slow mode) for this routine
            global light_on_sw
            global joint_id
            global command
            global off_mode
            while True:
                if light_on_sw and not show_now:
                    if off_mode:
                        off_file = 'light_off.csv'
                        off_file = 'light_off2.csv'
                    off_mode = not off_mode
                    for key in joint_id.keys():
                        servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                        servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["MOVE_WRITE"],
                                      joint_id[key][1], 0)
                    init_time = time.time()
                    duration = 0
                    with open(off_file) as csvfile:
                        pamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
                        for row in pamreader:
                            duration = time.time() - init_time
                                newrow = list(map(float, row))
                            except Exception:
                            rec_time = newrow[-1]
                            while (duration < rec_time):
                                duration = time.time() - init_time
                            ind = 0
                            for key in joint_id.keys():
                                              command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                                servoWriteCmd(joint_id[key][0], command["MOVE_WRITE"],
                                              int(newrow[ind]), 0)
                                ind += 1
                    togg = True
                    tog_speed = 1000
                    times = 0
                    while tog_speed >= 150:
                        if togg:
                                          command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1, tog_speed)
                                          command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1, -tog_speed)
                        togg = not togg
                        if times < 2:
                            times += 1
                            tog_speed -= 150
                            times = 0
                    light_on_sw = False
                    servoWriteCmd(joint_id["joint_6"][0], command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"],
                    servoWriteCmd(joint_id['joint_3'][0], command["MOVE_WRITE"], 250,
        # initialize and start the light-switch deamon
        light_off_thread = Thread(target=GPIO5cb, daemon=True)
        light_off_thread.daemon = True
        # initialize serial and servo command
        serialHandle = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200)  #115200 baud rate
        command = {
            "MOVE_WRITE": 1,
            "POS_READ": 28,
            "SERVO_MODE_WRITE": 29,
            "LOAD_UNLOAD_WRITE": 31,
            "SERVO_MOVE_STOP": 12,
            "TEMP_READ": 26
        #No need to split into higher and lower bytes, this function does it already. Parameter # is # of different params.
        def servoWriteCmd(id, cmd, par1=None, par2=None):
            # write commands to servos
            # para:
            #   id: servo id
            #   cmd: real command
            buf = bytearray(b'\x55\x55')
                len = 3  #length is 3 if no commands
                buf1 = bytearray(b'')
                ## verify data
                if par1 is not None:
                    len += 2  #add 2 to data length
                        (0xff & par1), (0xff & (par1 >> 8))
                    ])  #split into lower and higher bytes, store in buffer
                if par2 is not None:
                    len += 2
                        (0xff & par2), (0xff & (par2 >> 8))
                    ])  #split into lower and higher bytes, store in buffer
                buf.extend([(0xff & id), (0xff & len), (0xff & cmd)])
                ## checksum
                sum = 0x00
                for b in buf:  #sum
                    sum += b
                sum = sum - 0x55 - 0x55  #remove two beginning 0x55
                sum = ~sum  #take not
                buf.append(0xff & sum)  #add lower byte into buffer
                serialHandle.write(buf)  #send
            except Exception as e:
        def readPosition(id):
            # read the position of each servo
            # para:
            #   id: servo id
            servoWriteCmd(id, command["POS_READ"])  #send read command
            time.sleep(0.0055)  #delay
            count = serialHandle.inWaiting()  #get number of bytes in serial buffer
            pos = None
            if count != 0:  #if not empty
                recv_data =  #read data
                if count == 8:  #if it matches expected data length
                    if recv_data[0] == 0x55 and recv_data[1] == 0x55 and recv_data[
                            4] == 0x1C:
                        #first and second bytes are 0x55, fifth byte is 0x1C (28), which is read position command
                        pos = 0xffff & (recv_data[5] | (0xff00 & (recv_data[6] << 8))
                                        )  #combine data for valid read
            return pos
        def readTemperature(id):
            # read the temperature of each servo
            # para:
            #   id: servo id
            servoWriteCmd(id, command["TEMP_READ"])  #send read command
            time.sleep(0.01)  #delay
            count = serialHandle.inWaiting()  #get number of bytes in serial buffer
            tem = None
            if count != 0:  #if not empty
                recv_data =  #read data
                if count == 7:  #if it matches expected data length
                    if recv_data[0] == 0x55 and recv_data[1] == 0x55 and recv_data[
                            4] == 0x1A:
                        #first and second bytes are 0x55, fifth byte is 0x1A (26), which is read temperature command
                        tem = recv_data[5]
            return tem
        # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments
        ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help="path to where the face cascade resides")
        args = vars(ap.parse_args())
        # load OpenCV's Haar cascade for face detection from disk
        detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(args["cascade"])
        # initialize the video stream, allow the camera sensor to warm up
        # the size of captured frames is set to width=320, height=240
        # frame per second is 32
        print("[INFO] starting video stream...")
        # vs = VideoStream(src=0).start()
        vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True, resolution=(320, 240), framerate=32).start()
        total = 0
        #servo control variables
        cont_var = 0
        last_input = True
        dist_center_x = 0
        hinc = 1
        linc = 1
        show_time = time.time()
        d_lim = 30
        t_duration = 0
        t_init = time.time()
        # loop over the frames from the video stream
        while True:
            # grab the frame from the threaded video stream and resize the frame
            # resize the frame size with fixed width/height ratio => width=400, height=300
            frame =
            frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400)
            # detect faces in the grayscale frame
            rects = detector.detectMultiScale(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY),
                                              minSize=(60, 60))
            # camera center coordinates
            camera_center_x = 200
            camera_center_y = 150
            # loop over the face detections and control the servos
            # if the camera does detects some faces, then further
            # control the robot. Otherwise, it does not move
            if len(rects) > 0:
                # refine the bounding boxes by using only the maximum area bbx
                arr = numpy.zeros((len(rects), 1))
                for idx, (x, y, w, h) in enumerate(rects, start=1):
                    arr[idx - 1] = w * h
                max_ind = numpy.argmax(arr)
                x, y, w, h = rects[max_ind]
                # draw the bounding box on the original frame
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
                # the bounding box center coordinates
                bbx_center_x = x + w / 2
                bbx_center_y = y + h / 2
                # center distance
                dist_center_x = camera_center_x - bbx_center_x
                dist_center_y = camera_center_y - bbx_center_y
                    'Index: {} Camear center: {} Face center: {} Distance: {}'.format(
                        idx, (camera_center_x, camera_center_y),
                        (bbx_center_x, bbx_center_y), (dist_center_x, dist_center_y)))
                # read the position of joint 1 and 3
                pos = readPosition(joint_id['joint_1'][0])
                pos2 = readPosition(joint_id['joint_3'][0])
                if pos:
                    print('joint 1 position: {}'.format(pos))
                    # limit the movement angle for joint 1
                    if ((pos < 300) and (dist_center_x < 0)):
                                      command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1,
                                      abs(int(2 * dist_center_x)))
                    elif ((pos > 900) and (dist_center_x > 0)):
                                      command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1,
                                      -abs(int(2 * dist_center_x)))
                                      command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1,
                                      int(3 * dist_center_x))
                if pos2:
                    print('joint 3 position: {}'.format(pos2))
                    # limit the movement angle for joint 3
                    if pos2 > 150 :
                        if dist_center_y < 0:
                            if linc < 100:
                                linc += 1
                            hinc = 1
                                          command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                                          command["MOVE_WRITE"], pos2 - linc, 0)
                    if pos2 < 900:
                        if dist_center_y > 0:
                            linc = 1
                            if hinc < 500:
                                hinc += 1
                                          command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 0)
                                          command["MOVE_WRITE"], pos2 + hinc, 0)
                            print(pos2 + hinc)
                servoWriteCmd(joint_id['joint_1'][0], command["SERVO_MODE_WRITE"], 1,
            # show dance routine randomly
            duration = time.time() - show_time
            if duration > d_lim:
                duration = 0
                show_time = time.time()
                d_lim = random.randint(90, 180)
                f_ind = random.randint(1, 7)
                show_routine('rand_rout' + str(f_ind) + '.csv')
            # show the output frame
            cv2.imshow("Frame", frame)
            key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
            t_duration = time.time() - t_init
            if t_duration > 5:
                t_init = time.time()
                tem_out = []
                for key in joint_id.keys():
            now_input = GPIO.input(5)
            if not now_input and not last_input:
                cont_var += 1
                cont_var = 0
            if cont_var > 6:
                cont_var = -10
                light_on_sw = True
            last_input = now_input
        # do a bit of cleanup
        print("[INFO] {} face images stored".format(total))
        print("[INFO] cleaning up...")