RPi Intelligent Security System

Project by Dongze Yue, Yixiao Zhang

   Project Overview
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    Gallery Artwork
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    Security Camera
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Project Objective:

  • Build an intelligent security system that can monitor a house and control all the household electrical appliances through a web interface.
  • Event-driven intrusion detection and multi-level security settings.
  • Modular design that is suitable for any additional peripheral hardware.
  • Modules communicate via socket interface so that remote devices can also join the security network.

Demonstration Video


We built a smart home security system and server on Raspberry Pi that is capable of live-monitoring of the security footage, moving the surveillance camera’s viewing angle, detecting intrusion and controlling other parameters such as lighting and air conditioning in the house. By logging in to the web interface served by the Raspberry Pi, we can easily turn on/off a light at home and watch live feed from the camera. We can also change the azimuth and elevation angle of the camera’s base mount so we can look at any wanted angle. We also fitted our design into a miniature interior design model so that we can fully demonstrate the robustness and functionalities of our design within the model.

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Hardware Design

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Circuit Design

In order to fit our design in the interior design model, we created another basement layer beneath the house and wired all the circuitry on the base-plate. We also want to ensure that connection from the base-plate to the Raspberry Pi is manageable and tidy, therefore we drew a wiring sketch on the plate and attached wires onto the sketch. We also soldered a 10-pin connector at the edge of the base-plate so that the Raspberry Pi can directly be wired onto the connector. The wiring plan is attached below for clarity.

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Circuit schematics of base-plate design

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi controls all the signals that is being wired to the house, including two separate PWM waves. However, when we tried to use the RPi.GPIO library to output PWM to an output pin, we notice a significant wiggle and shiver on the PWM pulses as we increase the amount of processes running in the background. This is exactly due to that software-controlled PWM waves will become unstable as the operating system is not real-time and try to schedule other tasks at the same time when there should be a change on the pin. We investigated into this issue and looked up for resources so that might solve the problem. We ended up finding out that the Raspberry Pi actually supported hardware PWM and there is a library named “pigpio” to enable it, although the hardware PWM is only configurable on a limit number of pins.

After we setup the hardware PWM on the Raspberry Pi, we tested the pulse wave with an oscilloscope and ensured that the pulse is very stable when other python processes are running. Then we picked GPIO 18 and GPIO 19 as output of two hardware PWM waves. In order to make connection more tidy, we picked the 10 consecutive pins near GPIO 18 and 19 and programmed them to be input/output correspondingly, as the schematics diagram above demonstrates.

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Servo, LEDs and button control

The servos used in the system are TowerPro micro stepper servos that takes in three inputs: Vcc, Ground and Signal. The signal pin takes in a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) wave as reference of where the servo should be rotating to. By adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM wave, we are able to control the servo to point at any angle within the rotation range specified by the servo.

In order to simulate smart home lighting system, we turn on and off LEDs using a toggleLED() function written in the lighting control script. However, in real life situation, we would configure that specific function into a command that drives the actual lighting device. Or the Raspberry Pi’s output can be relayed to toggle a larger home appliance circuit.

Software Design

Web Framework

The web framework is developed using Python’s microframework library, flask. There will be an instance of flask app running in the background and serve a web page on http://ip-address-of-pi:5000/. The framework handles http get and post requests as python functions. Therefore, whenever user triggers a input on the front-end, the information will be encoded as post request going to the server. The server then decodes the request and issues the messaging interface to control/update designated parameters.

The web page is developed using Bootstrap, a fast-deploy front-end web framework. Using the template files available, we were able to build our website with pleasing format and elegant layout.

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Messaging Interface

The messaging interface utilizes python socket interface to realize cross communication between applications, with a complete set of application-layer network protocol designed and implemented specifically for this project. The center of the messaging interface is a MessageServer, which accepts from other applications, and forwards data packets between them. All other applications instantiate a Client module and establishes point-to-point connections with the MessageServer.


“Update” is a special message we designed for each member to update the status of themselves or the system with each other. It includes several components:

  • Source: sender of the update, either a client type name or ‘msg_server’ Destination: receiver list of the update. Any Client receiving an update not for itself will automatically drop the message; MessageServer forwards an update to all clients in the destination list. In current build, the destination list is always all members in the network.
  • Name: unique identification of each updates flooding around in the messaging system. e.g. “servo_azim”, “bedroom_light_1”.
  • Version: A counter increased by 1 every time a new update of the same name is constructed. When every node, MessageServer or a Client, receives a new version of update, it stores these information locally, replacing the old version if there is any.
  • Payload: content of the update. This can be commands like turning a light on/off.

System Mechanics

A loop running in MessageServer polls on each of its socket every cycle. It looks for new connections from the listening port, and incoming data packets from other Client sockets. It forwards packets to all Clients in the destination list. They wa Clients receive messages from socket is on application discretion: the LED/servo controllers need to constantly poll on their sockets to keep up with latest commands, while WebServer can just sleep and do not update anything until there is user operations. When Clients need to communicate with each other, all messages are sent through the MessageServer. The “Update” messaging scheme ensures that all members always take the latest version of a message, so the whole system is synchronized.

Fault Handling

When one program runs into an error, it is important to ensure that functionality of rest of the system is not affected. When MessageServer detects a disconnection on any node, it closes the socket bound to this connection and kicks it out from the running node list. Then it broadcasts an updated list of network members, so that other nodes will stop sending messages to the disconnected node. The error program can be rerun and join the system again by connecting to the listening port. The MessageServer would then resend the node all its latest version updates and broadcast the new running list, so that the status before disconnecting can be resumed.

Messaging Format

Because data packets are concatenated one after another in the input buffer of a socket, universal rules under which nodes can talk to each other need to be pre-defined to ensure correct message handling. In our interface, each message is started with an uppercase letter like “I”(“Init”), “T” (“Type”), from which type of a message is identified. An “\n” character is automatically concatenated to every outgoing message so that messages can be separated from each other simply by string stripping. Besides, each message is constructed from multiple components, a “/” character is used to separate fields.


A messaging system is started when MessageServer program starts running on background of the Raspberry-Pi. It opens up a non-blocking socket listening for incoming connections. When a new connection comes in, a new socket bound to this particular connection is created. Then, MessageServer sends out a “Type” request for identification of remote node. When a reply matches with a type in the local Client list, a (type, socket) pair is stored in a list; otherwise the connection is dropped.


After all clients have connected and been identified, the MessageServer sends out an “Init” request, informing all Clients to initiate their own systems. Clients then sends feedback confirming their initiation. The MessageServer then broadcast a complete list of Client nodes in this network.

System Termination

A Client node can be closed in two ways: first, receiving a “close request” broadcasted from WebServer upon user operation; second, detecting a socket lost connection on MessageServer side. A MessageServer would continue running unless receiving a “close request”.

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Gallery Artwork, Coca Cola by Andy Warhol, laser engraved

Running Nodes in Current Build

In the current build, there are totally 5 nodes and 1 message server running in the background. This combination is able to achieve LED, servo controlling, multi-level security logic, front-end message update and request, and touch button detection. All the nodes will be introduced below.

Messaging Server

Master messaging host that starts up at the given host and port name. It waits for successful connections with all the nodes and assign each node with a separate designated connection object. It keeps the connection objects in a dictionary so that every time the server wants to route the message to a designated target, it can perform a lookup in the dictionary.

LED Controller

Controls the LED by setting up the GPIO port and writes HIGH and LOW to it according to the control message received. Also sends back a confirmation message to signal the completion of this control message.

Servo Controller

Initializes hardware PWM on two GPIO pins to drive both the azimuth and elevation servo. It converts the target angle from the control message to the notion of duty cycle and sets the corresponding data.

Button Detector

Initializes a GPIO input callback function that will trigger an event detection message and broadcast the message to the network.

Security System

Contains an internal state variable that stores the current security state. When events are triggered, the node will react and send control messages to corresponding nodes based on the security state. The security state is directly modifiable by a state modify message that can be sent from the front-end.

Web Server

Instead of a stand-alone python process, the web server node is a library attached to the flask application. The application asynchronously constructs control requests and send them down the network. There is also a blocking polling function that waits for a certain confirmation message to travel back from the network.

Project Result

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Security System in an Interior Design Model

As the result of our design, we have a fully working web page can set the current security mode of the system. There are totally four modes available:

  1. Easy Secure: Any events triggered at the front door or balcony will result in a camera movement to point at the event location. A snapshot will be taken at the location and it will be logged as event detected in the log file.
  2. Demo Mode: A demonstration mode that shows the basic circuitry beneath the system. It lights up the LEDs in sequential order and the servo will rotate from left to the right in a pattern.
  3. Highly Secure: Verbose logging mode, basically Easy Secure mode plus a lot more logging of all the events.
  4. Manual: Manual takeover of the system. Disable all the automated functionalities.
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Interactive Front-end

And by toggling between the four modes, the web server receives the current mode and broadcasts the mode switching message to the network. The messaging network receives the message and re-broadcast the message again to all the existing nodes. The security system node receives this mode change and updates its internal security level. Therefore, the security system mode can constantly issue command to the other nodes according to the security level. For example, if the security level is Easy Secure, when the push button pressed, an intrusion will be detected by the touch button node, and the touch button node will send a message of detected event to the network. Other nodes that doesn’t understand the message will drop it, and the security center will see the message and decode it. It will then send servo movement messages to the servo control node and drive the servos to point the camera at the location and calls the camera subprocess to take a snapshot. When the front-end sets the security level to manual, the security system node will no longer trigger servo movement when reading an event detection message.

Future Work

By using this robust modular design, we can expand the network if hardware permits as much as possible. There can be more systems connected to the messaging network to be controlled. There can be a dedicated data logger node that will record all the messages on the run. There can also be a separate temperature control node that reads sensor readings and send out commands to control a AC in the network.

Here are several issues we need to resolve with going large scale.

  • efficiency: If we have hundreds of nodes in the network and we want to send a designated message to only one node, there is no point of broadcasting all packets to all the nodes. We will look into the solution for faster sending and better message formats.
  • Latency and congestion: The Message Server is essentially a data bus that all messages need to go through. because all hardware controller as well as the Message Server need to loop on socket polling, when load of RPi gets too high, messages can be queued up in the output buffer of sockets and not getting a chance to be sent forever. Here are several aspect to look at to resolve the problem:
    • carefully schedule all processes to ensure that all sockets have a chance to send
    • Add an additional output buffer to hold outputting data, and make data in one socket only go out once in every socket
    • Because our interface is completely compatible with applications on multiple machines, we can distribute traffic flow by adding in another RPi that run another Message Server, and connecting the two Message Servers together as routers in the network.
If we had more time on the project, we will also connect actual sensors such as temperature and IR sensors which detects human action. By connecting through an analog circuitry, we can get logic signals from the reading and therefore a sensor node can process the information and communicate with the server or other nodes. Also, we can connect more actuators into the systems as well to demonstrate the interaction between 110V household appliances and 3.3V-5V microcontrollers. We will use a relayed switcher to control light bulbs.

Work Distribution

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Project group picture

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Steven (Dongze) Yue


Designed the front-end web interface as well as the base-plate for the interior design model. Installed all the electrical components into the house. Also wrote the interactive flask application that handles post requests and convert them into control messages that can be sent down the network.

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Yixiao Zhang


Designed and constructed the back-end messaging interface and conducted initial software-hardware testing.


The interior design model used in the project was manually created from a 2D stock footage found online. The dimensions of the walls are then measured to be built in 3D. This project cannot be done without tremendous help from a friend of ours, Gloria Yan, a student at Cornell Architecture, Art and Planning School. Professor Skovira also helped us with refining the ideas of our design as well as finalizing it into a exhibition-ready product.

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Parts List

Total: $83.95


PiCamera Document
Flask Installation
Tower Pro Servo Datasheet
Pigpio Library
R-Pi GPIO Document
Python Socket

Code Appendix


Main messaging server

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep
import select
import sys
import errno

class Terminal:
    uid = 0
    node = None
    addr = None
    terminal_type = ''
    input_buffer = ''
    output_buffer = ''

    def __init__(self, terminal_type = 'unknown'):

class MessageServer(Message):
    terminals = {}
    running = {}
    unknown = []
    buf = {}
    connected = False
    run = False
    try_initiate = False
    messenger_type = 'msg_server'
    closed = False

    def __init__(self, *args):
        for arg in args:
            if type(arg) is str:
                self.terminals[arg] = None
                self.running[arg] = None
                self.buf[arg] = None

# ========== message handler end =================

    def _set_client(self, client, name):
        found = False
        for key in self.terminals.keys():
            key_word = "/{}/".format(key.strip())
            debug_print("MessageServer set client: ", key_word)
            debug_print("MessageServer set client: name: ", name)
            if name.find(key_word)!=-1:
                self.terminals[key] = client
                debug_print('MessageServer set client: connected to', key)
                found = True
        if not found:
            debug_print("MessageServer set client: Unresolved cleint name!")
        connect_flag = True
        for v in self.terminals.values():
            if v is None:
                connect_flag = False
        self.connected = connect_flag
        # try to initiate system if system not running and try initiate flag set true
        if (self.connected and not self.run and self.try_initiate):
            debug_print('MessageServer set client: init system')

    def _try_run(self, client, name):
        found = False
        for key in self.terminals.keys():
            key_word = "/{}/".format(key.strip())
            debug_print("MessageServer try run ","name: ", name)
            if name.find(key_word)!=-1:
                self.running[key] = client
                debug_print("MessageServer try run ",'client', key, 'sends initialization feedback')
                found = True
        if not found:
            debug_print("MessageServer try run ","Unresolved cleint name!")
        running_flag = True
        for v in self.running.values():
            if v == None:
                running_flag = False
        self.run = running_flag
        if self.run:
            self.try_initiate == False

    def _resolve_msg(self, client, msg):
        #print "resolving message... " + msg
        if msg == '':
        Message._resolve_msg(self,client, msg)
        if msg[0] == 'T':
            debug_print("MessageServer resolve msg ",'received type from client')
            self._set_client(client, msg[1:])
        if msg[0] == 'I':
            debug_print("MessageServer resolve msg ",'received initiate response from client')
            self._try_run(client, msg[1:])
        if msg[0] == 'U':
            debug_print ("MessageServer resolve msg ",'update')
            name = self.update_msg(msg[1:])
            if name in self.update_msg_list.keys():
                self.forward(self.update_msg_list[name].dest, msg)
        if msg[0] == 'X':
            for v in self.terminals:
                print v
                if (msg[2:] != v):

    def close(self):
        self.closed = True

# ========== message handler end =================

    def send_to_all(self, s):
        if not type(s) is str:
        for v in self.get_terminal_list():

    def try_accept(self):
        c, addr = self.sock.accept()
        debug_print("MessageServer try accept: ",'Got connection from ', addr)
        debug_print("MessageServer try accept: ", "sending'T'")

    def init_connections(self, port):
        # Init socket
        self.sock = socket.socket()
        self.host = socket.gethostname()
        self.port = port
        debug_print("MessageServer init connections: ", 'host name: ' + self.host)
        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        self.sock.bind((self.host, self.port))
        # set the socket nonblocking
        # Listen on the socket
        self.try_initiate = True

    def send(self, name, msg):

    def get_terminal_list(self):
        return [v for v in msg.terminals.values() if not v is None]

    def get_type_list(self):
        return [k for k, v in msg.terminals.iteritems() if not v is None]

    def set_nonblocking_all(self):
        for v in self.terminals.values():

    def forward(self, dest_list, msg):
        for d in dest_list:
            if d != self.messenger_type:
                self.send(d, msg)

    def update_network(self):
        l = self.get_type_list()
        if len(l) == 0:
        p = ';'.join(l)
        s = self.construct_update(l, 'network', p)
        for n in l:
            self.send(n, s)

msg = MessageServer('led_ctrl', 'servo_ctrl', 'button_ctrl', 'server', 'security_center')

while(not msg.closed):
    terminal_list = msg.get_terminal_list()
    readable, writable, exceptional = select.select(terminal_list, [], [], 0)
    for s in readable:
        # accept connection from serving socket
        if s is msg.sock:
        # read data from other socket readable
    if not msg.run:


controls the two servos

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep
import pigpio

class Servo():
    runnint = False
    current_angle = 0

    def __init__(self, pi, pin, freq = 200, dc_min = 110000, dc_max = 390000, dc_start = 250000):
        self.p = pi
        self.pin = pin
        self.freq = freq
        self.dc_min = dc_min
        self.dc_max = dc_max
        self.dc = dc_start
        self.current_angle = 50
        self.p.hardware_PWM(self.pin, self.freq, self.dc)

    def servo_set_angle(self,angle):
        # restrict angle to max/min value
        if angle > 100:
            angle = 100
        if angle < 0:
            angle = 0
        # save angle
        self.current_angle = angle
        # calculate dc
        dc = self.dc_min+(self.dc_max-self.dc_min)*angle/100
        self.dc = dc
        self.p.hardware_PWM(self.pin, self.freq, self.dc)
        debug_print('servo set angle: ', angle, dc)

    def servo_start(self):
        print "servo started"

    def servo_stop(self):
        self.p.write(self.pin, 0)

class Signal():
    connected = False
    initiated = False

class ServoCtrl(Client):
    servo_control_list = {'servo_azim' : None, 'servo_elev' : None}
    #mode = 0 #mode# 0: irresponsive to button 1: respond to button presses (at location) 2: periodical checking
    waypoints = {'front_door': [50, 50], 'balcony': [92, 54], 'gallery' : [20, 47]}

    def __init__(self, messenger_type, azim_pin=19, elev_pin=18, freq = 200, dc_min = 110000, dc_max = 390000, dc_start = 250000):
        Client.__init__(self, messenger_type)
        self.p = pigpio.pi()
        self.servo_control_list['servo_azim'] = Servo(self.p, azim_pin, freq, dc_min, dc_max, dc_start)
        self.servo_control_list['servo_elev'] = Servo(self.p, elev_pin, freq, dc_min, dc_max, dc_start)
        self.mode = 0

    def close(self):
        self.closed = True
        for i in self.servo_control_list:

    def resolve_msg(self, msg):
        Client.resolve_msg(self, msg)

    def send_status_update(self, name, payload):
        if len(self.network) != 0:
            s = self.construct_update(self.network, name+'_status', str(payload))

    def send_status_update(self, name, payload):
        if len(self.network) != 0:
            s = self.construct_update(self.network, name+'_status', str(payload))

    def set_position(self, azim, elev):

    def _resolve_update_msg(self, name, payload):
        # control servo
        if name in self.servo_control_list.keys() and payload.isdigit():
            payload = int(payload)
            self.send_status_update(name, str(self.servo_control_list[name].current_angle))
        elif (name == "target_front_door"):
        elif (name == "target_balcony"):
        elif (name == "target_gallery"):
        elif (name == "servo_setmode"):
            self.mode = int(payload)
            debug_print('unknown payload, ignoring ...')
        self.send_status_update(name, payload)

port = 12345
host = socket.gethostname()
ctrl = ServoCtrl('servo_ctrl', 18, 19)
ctrl.init_connections(port, host)

angle = 0
direction = 0

count = 0
while(not ctrl.closed):
    debug_print ("servo_ctrl: ", 'ctrl.initiated: ', ctrl.initiated)
    if ctrl.mode == 1:
        if direction == 0:
            angle += 1
            angle -= 1
        if angle>=100:
            angle = 100
            direction = 1
        if angle <= 0:
            angle = 0
            direction = 0


controls the lighting in the house

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

class Signal():
    connected = False
    initiated = False

class LightingCtrl(Client):
    lighting_control_list = {}
    pin_list = {}

    def __init__(self, type, pin_list):
        Client.__init__(self, type)
        for key, value in pin_list.iteritems():
            self.lighting_control_list[key] = 0
            self.pin_list[key] = int(pin_list[key])
            GPIO.setup(self.pin_list[key], GPIO.OUT)
            GPIO.output(self.pin_list[key], 0)

    def resolve_msg(self, msg):
        Client.resolve_msg(self, msg)

    def send_status_update(self, name, payload):
        if len(self.network) != 0:
            s = self.construct_update(self.network, name+'_status', str(payload))

    def _resolve_update_msg(self, name, payload):
        debug_print("resolve update msg: ", name, payload)
        if "get_" in name:
            if name[4:] in self.lighting_control_list.keys():
                self.send_status_update(name[4:], self.lighting_control_list[name[4:]])
        if name in self.lighting_control_list.keys():
            self.set_light(name, payload)

    def set_light(self, name, payload):
        self.lighting_control_list[name] = 1 if payload == "true" else 0
        self.send_status_update(name, payload)

    def ctrl_led(self):
        for key, value in self.lighting_control_list.iteritems():
            GPIO.output(self.pin_list[key], int(value))

    def close(self):

port = 12345
host = socket.gethostname()
#lighting_control_list = {'bedroom_light_1' : 5, 'bedroom_light_2' : 6, 'dining_room_light_1' : 13}
lighting_control_list = {'bedroom_light_1': 5,'bedroom_light_2': 6, 'living_room_light_1' : 13, 'dining_room_light_1' : 26}
ctrl = LightingCtrl('led_ctrl', lighting_control_list)
ctrl.init_connections(port, host)

count = 0
while(not ctrl.closed):
    #if ctrl.initiated:


detects button presses in the system

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

class Signal:
    enabled = False
    events = []

def button_callback(channel):

class ButtonPress(Client):
    button_list = {}

    def __init__(self, type, button_list):
        Client.__init__(self, type)
        for key, value in button_list.iteritems():
            self.button_list[key] = value
            GPIO.setup(key, GPIO.IN)
            GPIO.add_event_detect(key, GPIO.FALLING, callback=button_callback, bouncetime=300)

    def resolve_msg(self, msg):
        Client.resolve_msg(self, msg)

    def handle_event(self, channel):

    def send_status_update(self, name):
        if len(self.network) != 0:
            s = self.construct_update(self.network, name, "pressed")

    def _resolve_update_msg(self, name, payload):
        debug_print("resolve update msg: ", name, payload)

    def close(self):

port = 12345
host = socket.gethostname()

button_list = {15: 'front_door_btn',14: 'balcony_btn'}
ctrl = ButtonPress('button_ctrl', button_list)
ctrl.init_connections(port, host)

count = 0
while(not ctrl.closed):
    while (len(Signal.events) != 0):


contains all the helper functions for the web server to connect to the local socket

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep, time

class Signal:
    serv = None

class Server(Client):
    def resolve_msg(self, msg):
        Client.resolve_msg(self, msg)

    def set_led(self, name, x):
        s = self.construct_update(self.network, name, str(x))

def init_server():
    port = 12345
    host = socket.gethostname()
    Signal.serv = Server('server')
    Signal.serv.init_connections(port, host)
    print Signal.serv
    while (not Signal.serv.initiated):
    print "initiation successful"

def toggleLED(name, status):
    Signal.serv.set_led(name, status)

def getLED():
    return Signal.serv.get_update('led')

def update_param(name, value):
    s = Signal.serv.construct_update(Signal.serv.network, name, str(value))

def poll_until_update_name(name, timeout):
    name = name + "_status"
    start = time()
    time_now = start
    # if name not updated before
    if not name in Signal.serv.update_msg_list.keys():
        while (not name in Signal.serv.update_msg_list.keys()) :
            # poll message
            # name added to list
            if name in Signal.serv.update_msg_list.keys():
                return Signal.serv.get_update(name)
            # check time out
            time_now = time()
            if (time_now - start)*1000 > timeout:
                print 'time out: ', (time_now - start)*1000
                return None
    # if name has been updated before, check update version before poll
    v = Signal.serv.update_msg_list[name].version
    # if version changes, will not enter loop
    while (Signal.serv.update_msg_list[name].version == v):
        # poll message
        # check time out
        time_now = time()
        if (time_now - start)*1000 > timeout:
            print 'time out: ', (time_now - start)*1000
            return None
    return Signal.serv.get_update(name)

def poll_until_update_names(names, timeout):
    start = time()
    time_now = start
    v_list = {}
    # generate a list to keep track of the versioning of the wanted updates
    for i in names:
        i = i + "_status"
        if not i in Signal.serv.update_msg_list.keys():
            # if not updated before
            v_list[i] = None
            v_list[i] = Signal.serv.update_msg_list[i].version
    # then we start polling until all the versioning has been updated
    # when all the entries is different from the current version list, exit loop
    cond = False
    while (not cond):
        # poll
        # check timeout
        time_now = time()
        if (time_now - start)*1000 > timeout:
            print 'time out: ', (time_now - start)*1000
            return False
        exit_cond = True
        for i in names:
            i = i + "_status"
            if not i in Signal.serv.update_msg_list.keys():
                exit_cond = False
            if v_list[i] == Signal.serv.update_msg_list[i].version:
                exit_cond = False
        cond = exit_cond
    return True


Flask web server

#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys, os, inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
from server import *
import json

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, Response, request, jsonify, send_file
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
from time import sleep,time
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
import io
import picamera
import subprocess

app = Flask(__name__)

class sig:
    camera = None
    still_stream = None

def shutdown_server():
    func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
    if not func is None:

def homepage():
    return render_template('index_bs.html')

def video_sur():
    return render_template('video_surveillance_bs.html')

def control():
    return render_template('control.html')

@app.route('/_update', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def list_update():
    # on control page, update retrieves all the info for the sensors
    if 'type' in request.form.keys() and request.form['type'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') == "load":
        ids = request.form['attributes'].split(',')
        res = {}
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            ids[i] = ids[i].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            update_param("get_"+ids[i], '0')
            poll_until_update_name(ids[i], 1024)
            res[ids[i]] = Signal.serv.get_update(ids[i]+'_status')
        print res
        return json.dumps(res)
    # send all the logs
    res = []
    f = open("activity.log", "r")
    for line in f:
        arr = line.split("$")
        if len(arr) == 3:
            res = [{"time": arr[0],"event": arr[1],"detail": arr[2][:-1]}] + res
    #print res
    return json.dumps(res)

@app.route('/_control', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def param_control():
    t = request.form['type'].encode('ascii','ignore')
    val = request.form['value'].encode('ascii','ignore')
    update_param(t, val)
    poll_until_update_name(t, 99999)
    print t, Signal.serv.get_update(t+"_status")
    return jsonify(status=Signal.serv.get_update(t+"_status"))

@app.route('/_camera_ctrl', methods=['GET','POST'])
def camera_ctrl():
    #update_param(t, "0")
    #poll_until_update_name(t, 99999)
    subprocess.Popen("wget http://localhost:8080/?action=snapshot -O ~/final/Server/capture.jpg", shell=True)
    filename = "capture.jpg"
    return send_file(filename, mimetype="image/jpeg")

@app.route('/shutdown', methods=['POST','GET'])
def shutdown():
    return 'Server shutting down...'

app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # initialize message host

    # start camera
    #sig.camera = picamera.PiCamera()
    #sig.camera.resolution = (320,240)
    #sig.still_stream = io.BytesIO()

    # run the server
    app.run(host='', debug=False, threaded=True)


Defines the messaging data structure

import socket

verbose = False
import select
import errno
import sys

def debug_print(*args):
    if verbose:
        print 'DEBUG_PRINT: ',
        for arg in args:
            print arg,

class Update:
    payload = ''
    dest = []
    version = 0
    src = ''

class Message:
    update_msg_list = {}
    messenger_type = ''
    network = []

    def construct_update(self, dest, name, payload):
        assert type(dest) == list and type(name) == str and type(payload) == str
        #if not in list, construct one
        if not name in self.update_msg_list.keys():
            self.update_msg_list[name] = Update()
        update = self.update_msg_list[name]
        if len(dest) == 0:
            return ''
        #set update info
        update.payload = payload
        update.dest = dest
        update.version +=1
        update.src = self.messenger_type
        dstr = ''
        for d in dest:
            dstr += ';'+d
        return 'U/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(self.messenger_type,dstr,name,update.version,payload)

    def reconstruct_update(self, name):
        assert name in self.update_msg_list.keys()
        update = self.update_msg_list[name]
        #set update info
        dstr = ''
        for d in update.dest:
            dstr += ';'+d
        print update.src
        msg = 'U/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(update.src,dstr,name,update.version,update.payload)
        print msg
        return msg

    def update_msg(self, msg):
        msg_split = msg.strip("\n").split('/')
        i = 0
        while(msg_split[i] == ''):
            i += 1
        src = msg_split[i]
        dest = msg_split[i+1].split(';')
        if '' in dest:
        #disgard msg if the message is not for you
        if self.messenger_type != 'msg_server' and not self.messenger_type in dest:
            return None
        #get update name, if not in list, construct one
        name = msg_split[i+2]
        if not name in self.update_msg_list.keys():
            self.update_msg_list[name] = Update()
        update = self.update_msg_list[name]
        #get version, payload
        version = (int)(msg_split[i+3])
        payload = msg_split[i+4]
        #disgard msg if it is not a newer one
        if version <= update.version:
            return None
        #set update info
        update.dest = dest
        update.payload = payload
        update.version = version
        return name

    def _resolve_msg(self, s, msg):

    def recv(self, s):
        buf = ''
                data = s.recv(1024)
            except socket.error, e:
                err = e.args[0]
                if err == errno.EAGAIN or err == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
                    debug_print ('message recv: No data available')
                    # Something else happened, handle error, exit, etc.
                    print e
                if data:
                    #debug_print('received message', data)
                    buf += data
                    print "message recv fails"
        line_list = buf.split('\n')
        for line in line_list:
            self._resolve_msg(s, line)

    def update_print(self, s):
        if s in self.update_msg_list.keys():
            x = self.update_msg_list[s].payload
            print x

    def get_update(self, s):
        if s in self.update_msg_list.keys():
            x = self.update_msg_list[s].payload
            return x
            return None

    def handle_lose_connection(self, s):
        print "lose_connection"
        if not s is None:

class Client(Message):
    connected = False
    initiated = False
    messenger_type = ''
    server = None
    network = []
    closed = False

    def __init__(self, messenger_type):
        self.messenger_type = messenger_type

    def try_connect(self, port, host):
            self.server.connect((host, port))
            debug_print("client try connect: connected!")
            print "message server not found!"

    def init_connections(self, port, host):
        sock = socket.socket()
        self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.try_connect(port, host)
        self.connected = True

    def send(self, msg):
            print "not able to send"

    def poll_msg(self, reads, writes, excepts):
        assert type(reads) == list and type(writes) == list and type(excepts) == list
        readable, writable, exceptional = select.select(reads, writes, excepts, 0)
        for s in readable:

    def update_network(self):
        if 'network' in self.update_msg_list.keys():
            self.network = self.update_msg_list['network'].payload.split(';')

# =========== helper function =============================
    def close(self):
        print "closing"
        self.closed = True

    def _resolve_update_msg(self, name, payload):

    def close_request(self):
        print "sending close request"

    def _resolve_msg(self, s, msg):
        if msg == '':
        Message._resolve_msg(self, self.server, msg)
        if msg[0] == 'T':
            self.send('T/' + self.messenger_type + '/')
            debug_print('client resolve msg: ', "sending type to host")
        if msg[0] == 'I':
            self.initiated = True
            self.send('I/' + self.messenger_type + '/')
            debug_print('client resolve msg: ', 'system initiated!')
        if msg[0] == 'C':
        if msg[0] == 'U':
            debug_print ('client resolve msg: ', 'update', msg)
            name = self.update_msg(msg[1:])
            if name in self.update_msg_list.keys():
                debug_print ('client resolve msg: ', self.update_msg_list[name].payload)
                self._resolve_update_msg(name, self.update_msg_list[name].payload)
        if msg[0] == 'X': #shutdown system
            print "receive shut down"
            debug_print ('closing socket... shutting down system', self.messenger_type)

    def handle_lose_connection(self, s):
        #Message.handle_lose_connection(self, s)
        #if not self.closed:
            #self.connected = False
            #self.initiated = False
            #self.network = []
            #self.port = 12345
            #self.host = socket.gethostname()
            #self.init_connections(self.port, self.host)


controls the entire security system

import socket
from client import *
from time import sleep,ctime,time
import subprocess

class Signal():
    connected = False
    initiated = False
    time = 0

'''A security center does the following:
    1. actively logs the events into a local file
    2. logging level is based on security mode
    3. takes picture
    4. scans the apartment based on security mode
    5. responds to clicks based on security mode'''

class SecurityCenter(Client):
    mode = 0 # 0: manual, 1: easy secure, 2: front door focused, 3: heavily logged
    filename = ""

    def __init__(self, type, mode = 1, filename = "activity.log"):
        Client.__init__(self, type)
        self.mode = mode
        self.filename = filename

    def resolve_msg(self, msg):
        if msg == '':
        if self.mode == 3:
            if msg[0] == 'I':
                self.log_msg("Initialized", self.messenger_type)
            if msg[0] == 'X':
                self.log_msg("Closing", self.messenger_type)
        Client.resolve_msg(self, msg)

    def log_msg(self, event, detail):
        cmd = "echo '" + ctime(time()) + '$' + event + '$' + detail + "' >> " + self.filename
        print cmd
        subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)

    def clr_log(self):
        subprocess.Popen("echo '' > " + self.filename, shell=True)

    def send_status_update(self, name, payload):
        if len(self.network) != 0:
            s = self.construct_update(self.network, name+'_status', str(payload))

    def _resolve_update_msg(self, name, payload):
        debug_print("resolve update msg: ", name, payload)
        if name == "set_mode":
            self.mode = int(payload)
            Signal.time = time()
            self.log_msg("set_mode", payload)
            self.send_status_update(name, payload)
        if self.mode == 2:
            if name == "front_door_btn":
                self.send(self.construct_update(self.network, "servo_setmode", "0"))
            if name == "balcony_btn":
                self.send(self.construct_update(self.network, "servo_setmode", "1"))
        if name == "get_mode":
            self.send_status_update(name, str(self.mode))
        if name == "clr_log":
            self.send_status_update(name, payload)
        if self.mode == 1 or self.mode == 3:
            # move when triggered
            if name == "front_door_btn":
                s = self.construct_update(self.network, "target_front_door", "0")
                self.log_msg(name, payload)
                self.log_msg("target_front_door", "action detected")
            elif name == "balcony_btn":
                s = self.construct_update(self.network, "target_balcony", "0")
                self.log_msg(name, payload)
                self.log_msg("target_balcony", "action detected")
                if self.mode == 3:
                    self.log_msg(name, payload)

    def close(self):

port = 12345
host = socket.gethostname()

demo_events = {
    3.00: {"bedroom_light_1":"true", "bedroom_light_2": "true"},
    6.00: {"dining_room_light_1":"true"},
    9.00: {"dining_room_light_1" : "true"},
    12.00: {"living_room_light_1":"true"},
    15.00: {"living_room_light_1" : "false", "bedroom_light_1":"false", "bedroom_light_2": "false"}
demo_events_time = demo_events.keys()

ctrl = SecurityCenter('security_center', 1, "activity.log")
ctrl.init_connections(port, host)
Signal.time = time()
Signal.ind = 0

count = 0
while(not ctrl.closed):
    if ctrl.mode == 2:
        if time()-Signal.time >= demo_events_time[Signal.ind]:
            Signal.ind += 1
            if Signal.ind >= len(demo_events_time):
                Signal.ind = 0
            for key in demo_events[demo_events_time[Signal.ind]]:
                s = ctrl.construct_update(ctrl.network, key, demo_events[demo_events_time[Signal.ind]][key])
                print s
            if Signal.ind == 0:
                Signal.time = time()


an elegant starting script for the system

#! /bin/bash

if pgrep pigpiod
	echo 'got daemon running'

if pgrep mjpg_streamer > /dev/null
	echo 'mjpg_streamer already running'
	mjpg_streamer -o 'output_http.so -w ./www' -i 'input_raspicam.so -fps 25 -x 640 -y 480 -q 65 -hf -sh 25 -vs' &

python ../message.py &
sleep 1
python ../led_controller.py &
python ../servo_controller.py &
python ../buttons.py &
python ../security_center.py &
python run.py

if pgrep mjpg_streamer
	kill $(pgrep mjpg_streamer) > /dev/null 2>&1
	echo 'mjpg_streamer stopped'
	echo 'mjpg_streamer not running'

if pgrep python
	killall python
	echo 'python process killed'